Francesca Polizzi

I am a branding strategist, interior architect, digital content creator and the only founder of My work is focused on the active support of small & slow realities of craftsmanship, heritage and cultural goods. SdB is based in Italy and Switzerland and its network is active all over the world.

Scroll down the page to view my academic curriculum, my soft and hard skills, my technical skills, languages, and milestones achieved by SdB since its founding.

Sprazzi di Bellezza - Milestones

2023 | Initiation of ambassadorship journey for Well Made Italy by Fondazione Cologni

2022 | Expansion of international networking in the Scandinavian Market with particular focus on Denmark.

2021 - 2022 | Network expansion on the Dubai and UAE region with projects of positioning and development of European luxury brands in the Middle East market.

2021 | Expansion of clientele with active introduction of clients in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Scotland, Egypt, Madagascar. The latter with major humanitarian projects in support of local communities.

2019 - 2022 | Gradual introduction of 9 new members of the Sprazzi di team.

2019 - 2022 | Growing recognition from foundations and institutions supporting high craft and cultural heritage, manifested through invitations to events of international importance international, participation in conferences, campaigns and press articles.

Education & Academic path

2022 | Masterclass in Integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in marketing activities, CBS Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen

2018 - 2019 | Master's degree in Communication and Management of Luxury Goods with focus on the market of fashion and Made-In-Italy design, IULM University, MIlan

2016 - 2018 | International Master's Degree in Interior and Industrial Design, with focus on requalification of cultural goods, Politecnico di Milano, Milan

2013 - 2016 | Bachelor's Degree in Interior Design and Redevelopment Architecture, Politecnico di Milano, Milan

2012 - 2013 | Pre-degree diploma in elements of design, Quasar University, Rome

2007 - 2012 | Classical studies with focus on Latin, Greek, Italian, English language and literature. Study of humanistic subjects such as art history, philosophy and music, Jesuit Maximilian Maximus Institute, Rome

Hard Skills

  • Advanced knowledge and experience in the role of project manager, strategic development and brand storytelling in the areas of craft, cultural heritage and sustainable luxury

  • Knowledge and familiarity in the selection and use of marketing and storytelling tools

  • Brand identity development and visual branding

  • Technical and creative copywriting (Ita and Eng)

Technical Skills

  • Adobe Photoshop (Photo Editing)

  • Adobe InDesign (Graphic layout for web and print)

  • Adobe Premiere Pro ( Video Editing)

  • Office Tools (Work Organization)

  • Advanced experience in technical and strategic management of Instagram

  • Advanced experience in managing the Meta Business Manager tool

  • Experience and tools for photographic and videographic content creation

  • Extensive app. knowledge on mobile for content editing and planning

  • Advanced familiarity with Windows operating system

  • Extensive knowledge of online tools and apps to solve problems and needs

  • Advanced experience programming websites on Squarespace

  • Basic experience programming websites on Wordpress

Language Skills

Italian: mothertongue | English: fluent (IELTS Certificate 2018, International Master’s education, extensively used for working purposes) | French: good | Spanish: good | German: work in progress..!

Soft Skills

  • Public speaking (Italian and English)

  • Managing and organizing work efficiently

  • Teamwork/team leading

  • Public relations

  • Problem solving

  • Adaptability and flexibility

  • Sensitivity to beauty and aesthetics

  • High "emotional intelligence"

  • Cross-cultural approach

  • International networking

  • Positive approach to work

  • Communication skills

  • Macro/horizontal view of the project

  • Curiosity & constant learning

  • Patience & consistency

  • Multitasking

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