Meet this team of angels!

Sprazzi di Bellezza began as a small one-person project with a big mission; over the years this project has gathered an all-female carefully selected dream team. This extraordinary women and professionals are bonded not only by exceptional skills and competences, yet also by a common vision, a fundamental love and eye for Beauty.

  • Francesca Polizzi


    That "one-person" who, driven by an unbridled passion and a strong mission, put aside all risks and created this reality. That's me! An architect, turned creative director, hatching from the early student days an inner force that pulled toward the mission that took shape with Sprazzi di Bellezza. My happy place!

    Read more about me!

  • Francesca


    Francesca is a longtime friend and colleague who has constantly re-affirmed her skills as a photographer over the years. We share a deep love for Rome (our home) and we often enjoy strolls together looking for sparkles of beauty at every corner. Her specialties are architecture, street style, portraiture and interiors.

  • Ludovica


    Ludovica is a young professional who stands out not only for her talent, but also for the professionalism and versatility she invests in her work. She specialises in brand, portrait and lifestyle photography, with a highly smart and entrepreneurial flair, but mostly with remarkable attention for artisanal, sustainable brands with strong values to convey.

  • Hoda


    Honestly, every company should have a Hoda in the team. Essentially, she is a genius and is in charge of all those fundamental activities that no one (me neighter) can even understand. Data speak to her at a glance, and the intricate mechanisms of adv and automations, to her, are a game. She will make these tools work for you!

  • Reby


    Reby has a highly honed eye for visual storytelling. With a strategic eye for beauty and design, she specialises in creating branding that will make your brand identity and website stand out from the rest. Among the things she loves the most, there is spending time with her little boy, who inspires her daily with his own imagination and curiosity for the world.

  • Bella


    Bella is the most galmourous woman you will ever meet. Standards above the top are her specialty. A precious friend & team member, who opens doors to the mysterious and glittering world of the Middle East. A market that is as charming as complex, with its own rules. Bella has the skills and network to put these dynamics at your disposal.

  • Katya


    Katya's work has always been closely related to aesthetics. Her love of beauty has become not just a hobby, but a career. The combination of using the right visual techniques, social media tools and a passion for luxury business, are her tools to reflect your brand values and create a sincere connection with your audience.