Sprazzi di Bellezza
“È tutto sedimentato sotto il chiacchiericcio e il rumore. Il silenzio e il sentimento. L’emozione e la paura. Gli sparuti, incostanti Sprazzi di Bellezza.”
- La Grande Bellezza, P. Sorrentino - 2015
Glimpses of Beauty
“It's all settled under the chatter and noise. The silence and the feeling. The emotion and the fear. The scattered, inconstant Glimpses of Beauty. "
- The Great Beauty, P. Sorrentino - 2015
Those 'scattered Glimpses of Beauty' lie in a glance, in a memory, a gesture, a sound, a ray of warm light, a sign on the hands, a touch, a story. They are small Glimpses of pure light, which often struggle to stand out the 'noise' and 'chatter' that surrounds them. Powerful and luminous glimpses, visible only to those who know what they are looking for, to those who understand their immense value and search for them relentlessly day and night, in the feeblest moments of our presence.
In the journey of my spasmodic search, it is them that I seek: those 'inconstant and scattered Glimpses’ : small realities that warm the heart with their beautiful and inspiring stories and enrich the soul and the mind with the precious culture & heritage that they convey.
You are not lost in the noise, I SEE YOU!
And it is my mission to make sure that more and more others see your light.